MK3 Podium Step Work Platform

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The Podium Step MK3
The Podium Step MK3 provides a working reach height of 3.9 metres* (Max)
Platform Working Heights 1100mm, 1350mm, 1600mm, 1850mm
Components include;
1 x collapsible folding frame
1 x Aluminum Anti-slip platform deck
3 x Aluminum Anti-slip steps
4 x Anti-slip climbing rail.
2 x extra support braces for internal bracing
4 x castor wheels with foot brake
A safe anti-slip platform which offers a 360 degree work area.
Deep Back Section to provide additional stability
This unit is ideal for the areas where step ladders are have been banned on work sites.
Ideal for when a mobile scaffold will not fit the required area.
This unit is perfect for painters, plasterers, builders, alarm installation and has more uses for when working in a room or confined space.
This unit maintains the required safety guardrail height of 1m above the working platform.
Easy to operate saloon spring gate and lock for safe working
A safer alternative to builders steps and ladders
Folds flat for ease of handling and transportation
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